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This website is intended to serve our employees and our clients. You will need to register and sign in to have access to all the website features. The best way to do this is by responding to the emailed invitation to join, so all your information is linked to your user access. If we have hired you and you have not been sent an invitation to join, please let us know.

Once you are a member, click on the Member Page link to the left. On the Member Page, you have access to:

-Upcoming Events-See your crew list, call times and show information

-Hours and Earnings-View your pay statements and work history

-Benefits-See what benefits have been paid to the union on your behalf

Did you know- On your member page you can change the "period ending" date to see what your upcoming paycheck will look like. It's a great way to check for errors and alert us before the checks go out.

Have questions regarding your paycheck? See the FAQ. If you still have questions, contact Renee.

About Us

We crew television events throughout California.  Our specialty is sports television, but we also crew many concerts, entertainment and corporate events throughout the year. We have had a collective bargaining agreement with I.A.T.S.E. since April of 1999.



Contact Us
Bill Pettigrew Bill@PettigrewCrewing.com for all scheduling and general show information
Renee Marsh Renee@PettigrewCrewing.com for matters related to payroll and billing
Douglas Pettigrew Douglas@PettigrewCrewing.com to send call times and show paperwork


Copyright © 2021 Pettigrew Crewing